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Learn with us
Inspect4Canada is a government approved Academy for Licensing and Certification of Inspectors across Canada and was developed by top experts in Home, Commercial and Mold Inspections training. Being former owners and creators of two well known established Canadian Home Inspector Training Academy’s. We are a well regarded and in-demand institution, providing top-quality training for our students.
Inspect4Canada offers the most affordable and time effective training in the field of Home, Mold and Commercial Inspections across all of Canada.
Since 2004, our experienced trainers have guided hundreds of successful inspectors across the country, helping them launch rewarding new careers.
While many schools in Canada have attempted to replicate our methodology and systems. The achievements of our students remain unparalleled.
Inspect4Canada’s expert trainers attained the highest success rate among our students then any other inspection training school in Canada.
Click on the link below to set up a call back time to discuss our training program with you and to answer any questions you may have.
Part of the Baeumler Approved Network
Our learning options
Training Tuition Costs:
In class Home Inspector Training combined with online – $1599 + tax
Online Home Inspector Training – $899 + tax
British Columbia Home Inspector licensing : Live Private Zoom Training – $3800 + tax
Online Commercial Inspection Training – $750.00 + tax
Online Mold Inspector Training – $650.00 + tax
Private Training Options – contact us for more details
- 1 year association certification membership ($650.00 cost) included with Home Inspection training
Become an Inspector
A career in the inspections industry is ongoing, rewarding, and profitable.
Why choose Inspect4Canada
Inspect4Canada, is a branded training institute and a leader in inspection education, offering top-quality training and a superior student experience across Canada. Our 250-hour Home Inspector, 150-hour Commercial Inspector and 50-hour Mold Inspector, government-approved courses meets licensing requirements and certification in all provinces, ensuring you receive the best possible education for your career. All our accredited trainers are also full time inspectors with over 20 years inspecting experience. Try to find this knowledge based experience from other schools.
What We Offer:
- Up-to-Date Training: Our courses reflect the latest licensing and certification regulations, providing accurate information.
- Expert Instructors: Learn from instructors with over a decade of real-world experience who are passionate about teaching.
- Unlimited Support: Enjoy lifetime mentorship and support throughout your career.
- Accessible Anywhere: Complete our mobile-friendly online courses at your own pace using any device.
- Specialized Continuing Education: Take advanced courses like Mold and Commercial inspections.
Exclusive Benefits:
- In-classroom live training with Master Inspectors, combined with online learning.
- Exam pass rate guarantee.
- Free ongoing support and mentorship.
- Free 1st year association membership after Home Inspection training. ($650.00 CAN value)
- Free inspection marketing course to grow your business included in all our training
- Free home, commercial and mold inspection agreements given as part of the training
- Free standard life expectancy and maintenance information charts supplied to the students
- Access to trade secrets for career success.
What Students Say
Some of our student testimonials
Sukhwinder G.
“ Best business Best Training. I get a lot of work from agents. Fun job. Meet people. Thank you everyone for helping me ”
Randy M.
“ I have taken the course in 2009. Excellent program. I have been a successful home inspector in the Calgary area since then ”
Gaylene P.
“ Back in 2008 received the training in Edmonton. Great support system. Wonderful career. Was well worth it ”
Tony M.
“ Took another home inspector course. No support given. You had to figure it out on your own. The trainers not only teach home inspections. They support you along the way. They are so knowledgeable and are full time inspectors. Cant get any better then that”
Adam B.
“Since my training from The school in 2016 I have had the greatest achievement in my home inspection business. to date I have hired four inspectors who finished the training school to work with me. Great school, awesome support. Best career choice ”
Mohammed R.
They have helped me so much with the training , licensing and getting my business off the ground. Thank you John and Allen for your teaching. I will recommend your school.
Hugh P.
“ Arne and Bill were amazing trainers when I took the training. The extensive knowledge and guidance helped me get into my own home inspection business. Highly recommend. ”
Susan K.
“ Tried to look into other schools. This training school was the most helpful. Unbelievable support to make their students successful. Even after the training. Thank you for everything ”
Maan H.
I had retaken the course twice as I was not ready to inspect the first time. The training was amazing each time. And you are always learning something new. I am a very successful home inspector now in the Edmonton area.